Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Craziest Brainstorming

3 Years ago, when I was in my first year of High School, I joined a school organization called Mandiri. It is an organization that does art competitions and create an annual magazine for the students. Anyway, every year we participated on a competition held by a local newspaper that is to create Wall Magazines but not just a wall magazines you found on a school board, There is 10 days convention that shows our works to be watched by people. The schools that participate have to submit a 3D Wall Magazines that is 175cm x 175cm x 175cm, a 2D Wall Magazines that is 175cm x 175cm x 25cm, and a Moving Wall Magazines that is 50cm x 50cm x 50cm. My school has been participating the competition since it starts and we have won 3rd Place in 2008 and 1st Place in 2009. Well, anyway you may be thinking what this got to do with Brainstorming. Picture this: The competition started on November, The team which was 20 people started on the end of July, The theme was ‘Make People Laugh’, The deadline was on the early November so we started to brainstorm for 3 weeks deciding what we want to make, what theme we wanted to do since we did not want something too common so out of the box but still stick to the main theme, with what do we wanted to make it. All in all, It was the most crazy thing I have ever done but yet the most proud thing ever too. The outcome was very satisfying. It was worth every sweat, every tears, every exhausting days spent, every sleepless nights.

This is the 3D Wall Magazines, The Articles were on the wall behind.
This one was the 2D. It was an interactive Wall Magazines, you could press the button on the belly button and it will laugh!
This one made of Shoes (the desk). It was made for 2 days and had to be made in the convention place by 2 people.
And YEAY! My school won the 1st Place!

P.S.: I lost my Moving Wall Magazine Picture :(

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